What to do so that the golden age is ahead of us, not behind us?

Machine purchases are primarily influenced by confidence in the future, which has had several reasons to waver recently. Many industrial companies use their existing resources for energy efficiency investments, but some have accumulated raw materials.

The gap between multinational companies‘ investment opportunities and SMEs is becoming wider. While the former group seems to stick to the previously developed development plans, an increasing number of SMEs need to do more to start investing in production equipment. However, the productivity of an average SME in East-Central Europe is currently only one-third of the level registered with large companies.

In any case, SMEs still believe in the necessity of efficiency-enhancing digital development investments. In terms of investment goals, digitization and automation are leading the way, which in the era of shortage of specialists already represent a competitive advantage since the production process can be realized on a smaller footprint and with fewer machines, and they also reduce companies‘ need for specialists.

Energy crisis and shortage of professionals. Turn it into a competitive advantage!

Comprehensive mechanical, automation, and programming knowledge, up-to-date safety technological know-how and stable, international background: Antra ID Kft., Auware Engineering Kft. and Automa CZ s.r.o., parts of Central European Automation Holding (CEAH) delivers the machine to you on time equipped with the most modern technology and energy efficiency! Your new machine will be the foundation on which the new golden age of your business will be built!

„They Tried to Bury Us; They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds”.

– Dinos Christianopoulos


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